Sunday, January 25, 2009

Catholic Devotions Online

You know that this blog isn't a religious forum but more of a tips blog. But since this is also a blog about my personal finds, I'm writing here about something that talks about a part of me - my Catholic faith. If this entry isn't for you, just jump back to the older posts or better yet, wait for new ones.

A few years back, I was a Didache super-user, a Bo Sanchez Kerygma Publication in the Philippines for my daily reflection guide. But since I have been living abroad for the past few years, it has become more difficult for me to subscribe to it. So for a long while, my mornings (not faithfully though) have been days of communing with Global Catholic Network and then Daily Prayer Online, a portal by Irish Jesuits.

Both sites were no less helpful to my prayer time. But both do have less funky and local touch that a generation x-er like me prefer. Or maybe, there's no rational decision why I prefer Didache. I just do. So I was always looking forward to getting hold of a Didache copy again.

A few months back though, I was able to serve as one of the editors of an upcoming book for Lingkod, a single professionals group (to our group's parlance, we call "community") I used to attend back home, whose chief editor and project coordinator is from Kerygma Publications.

And lo and behold, I knew that Didache (and Sabbath and Gabay) are now accessible online! You may access for free, but giving a small subscription fee would really be thoughtful.

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